For Apprentices
How can I become an apprentice?
To become a GSET apprentice, first you must recieve an offer of employment from a GSET Employer/Training Agent. If you are interested in employment and becoming an apprentice, please email the 2 page job application below to When filling out the job application- please make sure it is typed and DO NOT provide your SSI#. Your Training Agent will ask for your SSI# once you are hired. When submitting your job application, you may also submit an optional cover letter.
GSET Employment Application page 1
GSET Employment Application Page 2
GSET Apprentice Registration Form
GSET Apprenticeship Acceptance Form
Greater Spokane Electrical training
A Division of Greater Spokane Apprenticeship Training
1312 N Monroe Street, Suite #121
Spokane, WA 99201
Tel: (509) 285-1767